Rajasthan State Seeds Corporation Limited

Title Download
EOI for Empanelment of seed producing company,insttitutions for contractual seed production program in the Rajasthan state for RSSCL on outsourcing service charge basis for a period of 3 year EOI for Empanelment of seed producing company,insttitutions for contractual seed production program in the Rajasthan state for RSSCL on outsourcing service charge basis for a period of 3 year.pdf
EOI Bid for vegetable seed20241118_11065875 EOI Bid for vegetable seed20241118_11065875.pdf
EOI Bid for Millets etc seed20241118_11093040 EOI Bid for Millets etc seed20241118_11093040.pdf
E-Bid Document For Out of Rajasthan State certified Seed Production Program of Hybrid Pearl Millet (Bajra) the Rabi-2024-25 E-Bid Document For Out of Rajasthan State certified Seed Production Program of Hybrid Pearl Millet (Bajra) the Rabi-2024-25.pdf
Auction Notice of Safari NIT and terms condition 20241015_18372418_0045 Auction Notice of Safari NIT and terms condition 20241015_18372418_0045.pdf
E-Bid Document For Out of Rajasthan State Truthfully Labeled Seed Production Program of Hybrid Maize in the Rabi-2024-25 E-Bid Document For Out of Rajasthan State Truthfully Labeled Seed Production Program of Hybrid Maize in the Rabi-2024-25.pdf
E-Bid Document For Out of Rajasthan State Truthfully Labeled Seed Production Program of Jowar, SSG for the Rabi-2024-25 E-Bid Document For Out of Rajasthan State Truthfully Labeled Seed Production Program of Jowar, SSG for the Rabi-2024-25.pdf
E-Bid Documnet For Out of Rajasthan State Truthfully Labeled Seed Production Program of Jowar,SSG for the Rabi-2024-25 E-Bid Documnet For Out of Rajasthan State Truthfully Labeled Seed Production Program of Jowar,SSG for the Rabi-2024-25.pdf
ई-नीलामी हेतु पंजीकरण (ई-नीलामी।2024-25।10971 दिनाक 6।8।2024) ई-नीलामी हेतु पंजीकरण (ई-नीलामी/2024-25/10971 दिनाक 6/8/2024).pdf
सांथू फार्म (जालोर ) को वर्ष रबी 2024-25 से 2026-27 तक ठेके हेतु ई-निविदा प्रपत्र् सांथू फार्म (जालोर ) को वर्ष रबी 2024-25 से 2026-27 तक ठेके हेतु ई-निविदा प्रपत्र्.pdf
निगम फार्मो का वर्ष 2024-25 से 2026-27 के ठेके हेतु ई-निविदा प्रपत्र निगम फार्मो का वर्ष 2024-25 से 2026-27 के ठेके हेतु ई-निविदा प्रपत्र .pdf
E-Bid Document For Supply of Maize Certified/TL Seeds for Kharif-2024 E-Bid Document For Supply of Maize Certified/TL Seeds for Kharif-2024.pdf
Short Term Tender Notice Bid3803 Short Term Tender Notice Bid3803.pdf
Short Term nib Farm 2024-25 to 2026-27 Short Term nib Farm 2024-25 to 2026-27.pdf
Processing material BID Document Processing material BID Document.pdf
Farm BiD Document-2024 Farm BiD Document-2024.pdf
परिवहन ठेके हेतु ई-निविदा प्रपत्र परिवहन ठेके हेतु ई-निविदा प्रपत्र.pdf
श्रमिक ठेके हेतु ई-निविदा प्रपत्र श्रमिक ठेके हेतु ई-निविदा प्रपत्र.pdf
E-Bid Documment For Supply Of Maize Certified/TL Seeds for Kharif-2024 E-Bid Documment For Supply Of Maize Certified/TL Seeds for Kharif-2024.pdf
NIB Document for Supply of Bajra Rajco & Jowar SSGCertified TL seeds for Zaid-2024 NIB Document for Supply of Bajra Rajco & Jowar SSGCertified TL seeds for Zaid-2024.pdf
E-Bid Document for Supply of Bajra Rajco & Jowar SSGCertified TL seeds for Zaid-2024 E-Bid Document for Supply of Bajra Rajco & Jowar SSGCertified TL seeds for Zaid-2024.pdf
E-Bid Document For Out of Rajathan State Certified seed Production Program of Hybrid Pearl Millet (Bajra) for the Rabi-2023-24 E-Bid Document For Out of Rajathan State Certified seed Production Program of Hybrid Pearl Millet (Bajra) for the Rabi-2023-24.pdf
Office Order 7/8/23 Office Order 7/8/23.pdf
NOTICE FOR LIMINTED BID (Hybrid Castor) 2023-2/10228 DATED 26/07/23 NOTICE FOR LIMINTED BID (Hybrid Castor) 2023-2/10228 DATED 26/07/23.pdf
Limited-Bid Document For Procurement of Male & Female line of hybrid castor variety GCH-8 Limited-Bid Document For Procurement of Male & Female line of hybrid castor variety GCH-8.pdf
E-Bid Document For Out of Rajasthan State Certified seed/truthfully labeled seed Production Program of Jowar SSG and Hybrid Maize for the Rabi 2023-24 E-Bid Document For Production Program of Dhalncha truthfully labeled seed during Kharif-2023 for Zaid-2024.pdf
E-Bid Document For Out of Rajasthan State Certified seed/truthfully labeled seed Production Program of Jowar SSG and Hybrid Maize for the Rabi 2023-24 E-Bid Document For Out of Rajasthan State Certified seed.pdf
Supply of Soyabean Foundation Seeds for Kharif-2023 Supply of Soyabean Foundation Seeds for Kharif-2023.pdf
EOIFORMillets EOIFORMillets.pdf
EOI for empanelment of seed producing company, Institution of the country EOI for empanelment of seed producing company, Institution of the country.pdf
EOI for empanelment of seed producing company, Institution of the country EOI for empanelment of seed producing company, Institution of the country.pdf
E-Bid Document For Certified Seed Production Program of Soyabean for the Kharif-2023 E-Bid Document For Certified Seed Production Program of Soyabean for the Kharif-2023.pdf
Empanelment of seed producing company, institution of the country for contractual production and supply of various ualityseeds on public - private partnership model Empanelment of seed producing company, institution of the country for contractual production and supply of various quality seeds on public - private partnership model.pdf
Offer Document for Empanelment by pre qualification process for Vegatable Seed/Horticultual Seed Offer Document for Empanelment by pre qualification process for Vegatable Seed/Horticultual Seed.pdf
EOI for Empanelment as Producer/Authorized Agent of Seeds EOI for Empanelment as Producer/Authorized Agent of Seeds.pdf
e-Bid Document for Supply of Dhaincha Certified TL Seedss for Ziad-2023 e-Bid Document for Supply of Dhaincha Certified TL Seedss for Ziad-2023.pdf
E-Auction Ref. 28538 E-Auction Ref. 28538.pdf
RFQ for AGM Exction RFQ for AGM Exction.pdf
Bid Document for supply of Carbendazim 50% WP on Annual Rate Contract Basis Bid Document for supply of Carbendazim 50% WP on Annual Rate Contract Basis.pdf
E-Bid Document for Certified seed Truthfully Labeled seed Production Programme of Jowar Pearl Millet (Bajra) and Maize for the Rabi year 2022-23 E-Bid Document for Certified seed Truthfully Labeled seed Production Programme of Jowar Pearl Millet (Bajra) and Maize for the Rabi year 2022-23.pdf
Tender For Guest House Tender For Guest House.pdf
BiD Document Dhaincha BiD Document Dhaincha.pdf
BiD Document_Procurement and Installation of Various Furniture and Architectural Items on Turn Key Basis BiD Document_Procurement and Installation of Various Furniture and Architectural Items on Turn Key Basis.pdf
BiD Document_Procurement and Installation of Various electrical accessories on Turn Key Basis BiD Document_Procurement and Installation of Various electrical accessories on Turn Key Basis.pdf
E-Bid Document For Procurement and installation of variouse decorative accessories on turm key basis E-Bid Document For Procurement and installation of variouse decorative accessories on turm key basis.pdf
E-Bid Document For Procurement of Computers Hardware etc. E-Bid Document For Procurement of Computers Hardware etc.pdf
E-bid Document For Supply of Dhaincha Certified/TL Seeds for Kharif-2022 E-bid Document For Supply of Dhaincha Certified/TL Seeds for Kharif-2022.pdf
Supply of Soybean & Dhaincha FS for Kharif 2022 Supply of Soybean Dhaincha FS for Kharif 2022.pdf
Supply of Soybean Certified Seed Supply of Soybean Certified Seed.pdf
Supply of Dhaincha certifiedTL seed for Kharif Supply of Dhaincha certifiedTL seed for Kharif.pdf
E-bid Document Supply of Soybean Certified/TL Seeds for Kharif-2022 E-bid Document Supply of Soybean Certified/TL Seeds for Kharif-2022.pdf
E-bid Document Supply of Dhaincha Certified/TL Seeds for Kharif-2022 E-bid Document Supply of Dhaincha Certified/TL Seeds for Kharif-2022.pdf
E-bid Document Supply of Urd Certified/TL Seeds for Kharif-2022 E-bid Document Supply of Urd Certified/TL Seeds for Kharif-2022.pdf
Corrigendum 5174 dated 27.5.222 Corrigendum 5174 dated 27.5.222.pdf
Corrigendum 5106 dated 26.5.222 Corrigendum 5106 dated 26.5.222.pdf
Corrigendum No. 4684 Dated 24-5-2022 Corrigendum No. 4684 Dated 24-5-2022.pdf
Transport bid document Transport bid document.pdf
Procurement of Computer Hardware Procurement of Computer Hardware.pdf
labour tender labour tender.pdf
Corrigendum bid no 2741 16 May 2022 Corrigendum bid no 2741.pdf
Corrigendum bid no 2742 16 May 2022 Corrigendum bid no 2742.pdf
Corrigendum bid no 2743 16 May 2022 Corrigendum 16 May 2022.pdf
E-Bid For Supply of Soybean Certified/TL Seeds For Kharif 2022 E-Bid For Supply of Soybean Certified/TL Seeds For Kharif 2022.pdf
E-Bid For Supply of Bajra,Dhaincha and Urd Certified/TL Seeds For Kharif E-Bid For Supply of Bajra,Dhaincha and Urd Certified/TL Seeds For Kharif2022.pdf
E-Bid For Supply of Maize Certified/TL Seeds For Kharif E-Bid For Supply of Maize Certified/TL Seeds For Kharif2022.pdf
Supply of Soybean & Dhalncha Foundation Seeds for Kharif-2022 Supply of Soybean & Dhalncha Foundation Seeds for Kharif-2022.pdf
RFQ For Website RFQ For Website.pdf
BId Document Decortication and safe storage of Groundnut seed BId Document Decortication and safe storage of Groundnut seed.pdf
Bid Document Literature and stationery Printing and Supply Bid Document Literature and stationery Printing and Supply.pdf
BID document To Production Programme of Jowar Maize Bajra BID document To Production Programme of Jowar Maize Bajra.pdf
BidDocument for purchase of Fodder_Spices and Vegetables BidDocument for purchase of Fodder_Spices and Vegetables.pdf
RFQ to providing certificate to extension of Annual General Meeting for financial year 2020-21 RFQ to providing certificate to extension of Annual General Meeting for financial year 2020-21.pdf
Bid Docoment for Rabi 2021-22_Purchash of fodder, spices and vegtables Seed Bid Docoment for Rabi 2021-22_Purchash of fodder, spices and vegtables Seed.pdf
Bid Document.pdf Bid Document.pdf
Corrigendum Amendment in Terms andcondition.pdf Corrigendum Amendment in Terms andcondition.pdf
Bid Document to provide Salesman on Contract Basis For Rajseeds Outletes.pdf Bid Document to provide Salesman on Contract Basis For Rajseeds Outletes.pdf
Corrigendam_To Produce of TL_CS Seed of Jowar_Bajra_Maize.pdf Corrigendam_To Produce of TL_CS Seed of Jowar_Bajra_Maize.pdf
Auction registration e-Nilame/2021-22/9834 dated 17-08-21.pdf Auction registration e-Nilame/2021-22/9834 dated 17-08-21.pdf
Auction e-Nilame/2021-22/9835-66 dated 17-08-21.pfd Auction e-Nilame/2021-22/9835-66 dated 17-08-21.pdf
Short Term E Bid Document for supply of packing Processing Material and other Consumables on Annual Rate Contract basis for the year 2021-22.pfd Short Term E Bid Document for supply of packing Processing Material and other Consumables on Annual Rate Contract basis for the year 2021-22.pdf
Request for Proposal for Internal Audit for Financial Year 2021-22.pfd Request for Proposal for Internal Audit for Financial Year 2021-22.pdf
BiD Document_Santhu Farm Jalore on contract for Financial Year 2021-22 to 2023-24.pdf BiD Document_Santhu Farm Jalore on contract for Financial Year 2021-22 to 2023-24.pdf
Bid Document for Transport Contract at various Units of RSSC Ltd.pdf Bid Document for Transport Contract at various Units of RSSC Ltd.pdf
Re Tender Corporation Farm on contract for Financial Year 2021-22 to 2023-24.pdf Re Tender Corporation Farm on contract for Financial Year 2021-22 to 2023-24.PDF
Bid Document for supply of packing, Processing Material & other Consumables on Annual Rate Contract basis for the Year 2021-22.pdf Bid Document for supply of packing, Processing Material & other Consumables on Annual Rate Contract basis for the Year 2021-22.PDF
E-Auction E-Auction.pdf
Corrigendum related to read Reserve Price in Place of Security Price Corrigendum related to read Reserve Price in Place of Security Price.pdf
Bid document to given Corporation Farm on contract for Financial Year 2021-22 to 2023-24.pdf Bid document to given Corporation Farm on contract for Financial Year 2021-22 to 2023-24.pdf
Tender for Transportation work for Financial Year 2021-22 on Contract basis on various Units of RSSCL.pdf Tender for Transportation work for Financial Year 2021-22 on Contract basis on various Units of RSSCL.pdf
NIB.pdf NIB.pdf
Bid Document for Accountant on contract for Udaipur and Chhitorgarh unit of RSSC Ltd. Financial Year 2021-22.pdf Bid Document for Accountant on contract for Udaipur and Chhitorgarh unit of RSSC Ltd. Financial Year 2021-22.pdf
Bid Document for Hiring Taxi on Contract Basis for Sumerpur Unit of RSSC Ltd.pdf Bid Document for Hiring Taxi on Contract Basis for Sumerpur Unit of RSSC Ltd.pdf
Bid Document for Accountant on contract for Durgapura unit of RSSC Ltd.pdf Bid Document for Accountant on contract for Durgapura unit of RSSC Ltd.pdf
Bid Document to produce certified seeds out of state and with in state during Rabi 2020-21.pdf Bid Document to produce certified seeds out of state and with in state during Rabi 2020-21.pdf
Corrigendum_Terms and Conditions to eligibility of Bidder.pdf Corrigendum_Terms and Conditions to eligibility of Bidder.pdf
To Provide Computer Operator on Contract Basis To Provide Computer Operator on Contract Basis.pdf
To Provide Account Assistant on Contract Basis To Provide Account Assistant on Contract Basis.pdf
Tender Document for Hiring Taxi on Contract Basis for Gassu ka Baas, Laxmangarhs Sikar Unit of RSSC Ltd. Tender Document for Hiring Taxi on Contract Basis for Gassu ka Baas, Laxmangarhs Sikar Unit of RSSC Ltd.pdf
Bid Document to produce certified seeds out of state during Rabi 2020-21 Bid Document to produce certified seeds out of state during Rabi 2020-21.pdf
Transport bhatpur Transport bhatpur.pdf
Invitation for Registration of e-Nilami Invitation for Registration of e-Nilami.pdf
Request for Proposal for Internal Audit for Financial Year 2020-21 Request for Proposal for Internal Audit for Financial Year 2020-21.pdf
Bid Document for Photocopy Work for two years at Head Office RSSC Ltd. Bid Document for Photocopy Work for two years at Head Office RSSC Ltd.pdf
Re-Tender for Labour work for Financial Year 2020-21 and 2021-22on Contract basis on various Units of RSSCL. Re-Tender for Labour work for Financial Year 2020-21 and 2021-22on Contract basis on various Units of RSSCL.pdf
Re-Tender for Transportation work for Financial Year 2020-21 and 2021-22 on Contract basis on various Units of RSSCL Re-Tender for Transportation work for Financial Year 2020-21 and 2021-22 on Contract basis on various Units of RSSCL.pdf
Tender Document for Hiring Taxi on Contract Basis for Mohangarh Unit of RSSC Ltd. Tender Document for Hiring Taxi on Contract Basis for Mohangarh Unit of RSSC Ltd.pdf
Bid Document for supply of packing, Processing Material & other Consumables on Annual Rate Contract basis Bid Document for supply of packing, Processing Material & other Consumables on Annual Rate Contract basis.pdf
Corrigendum for Name of Bid Title of Supply of Packing and Processing Material and Other Consumables Corrigendum for Name of Bid Title of Supply of Packing and Processing Material and Other Consumables.pdf
Bid Document To purchase of Maize Certified and Truthful label seed Purchase Bid Document To purchase of Maize Certified and Truthful label seed Purchase.pdf
Bid document to supply notified hybrid seeds of Bajra for Kharif-2020 Bid document to supply notified hybrid seeds of Bajra for Kharif-2020.pdf
Bid Document for supply of packing, Processing Material & other Consumables on Annual Rate Contract basis Bid Document for supply of packing, Processing Material & other Consumables on Annual Rate Contract basis.pdf
Request for Quotation for Practicing Company Secretary for FY 2020-21 Request for Quotation for Practicing Company Secretary for FY 2020-21.pdf
Corrigendum to Extended date of Bid Opening and Bid submission and information of revised tender Id at eproc website Corrigendum to Extended date of Bid Opening and Bid submission and information of revised tender Id at eproc website.pdf
Bid Document To purchase of Maize Certified truthful label seed Bid Document To purchase of Maize Certified truthful label seed.pdf
Bid Document to Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020 Bid Document to Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Bid Document to Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020 Bid Document to Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Corrigendum_Clarification regarding uploaded BoQ Sheet in Notified hybrid Maize for Kharif-2020 Document Corrigendum_Clarification regarding uploaded BoQ Sheet in Notified hybrid Maize for Kharif-2020 Document.pdf
Corrigendum regarding Amendment in terms of bid document of Labour Contract Corrigendum regarding Amendment in terms of bid document of Labour Contract.pdf
Corrigendum regarding Amendment in terms of bid document of Transportation Contract Corrigendum regarding Amendment in terms of bid document of Transportation Contract.pdf
Corrigendum to Clarification in relation of terms of bid document of Notified hybrid Maize for Kharif-2020 Corrigendum to Clarification in relation of terms of bid document of Notified hybrid Maize for Kharif-2020.pdf
Corrigendum to Clarification in relation of terms Solvency Certificate of bid document of Kawai Farm Corrigendum to Clarification in relation of terms Solvency Certificate of bid document of Kawai Farm.pdf
Corrigendum to fix Pre-Bid meeting Notified hybrid Maize for Kharif-2020 Corrigendum to fix Pre-Bid meeting Notified hybrid Maize for Kharif-2020.pdf
Bid Document To Supply of Maize variety Notified during 10years and for Rajasthan Bid Document To Supply of Maize variety Notified during 10years and for Rajasthan.pdf
Corrigendum_Terms and condition Number-33 of Bid Document CS Soyabean Corrigendum_Terms and condition Number-33 of Bid Document CS Soyabean.pdf
Corrigendum_Terms and condition Number-33 of Bid Document FS Soyabean Corrigendum_Terms and condition Number-33 of Bid Document FS Soyabean.pdf
Tender document for Kawai farm contract for 2019-20 and 2020-21 Tender document for Kawai farm contract for 2019-20 and 2020-21.pdf
Office Order_Cancellation Bid_Kawai farm contract Office Order_Cancellation Bid_Kawai farm contract.pdf
Corrigendum for Bid submission and Bid Opening Date Extended__ Supply and FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020 Corrigendum for Bid submission and Bid Opening Date Extended__ Supply and FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Corrigendum for Bid submission and Bid Opening Date Extended__ Supply and CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020 Corrigendum for Bid submission and Bid Opening Date Extended__ Supply and CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Corrigendum_Amendment in Terms and Conditions_Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020 Corrigendum_Amendment in Terms and Conditions_Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Corrigemdum_Amendment in Term sand Condition_Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020 Corrigemdum_Amendment in Term sand Condition_Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Corrigendum in continuance of Letter No 1626 Corrigendum in continuance of Letter No 1626.pdf
SITC of CCTV Camera_Corrigendum in mode of fees deposit SITC of CCTV Camera_Corrigendum in mode of fees deposit.pdf
Corrigendum for Bid submission and Bid Opening Date Extended_ Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020 Corrigendum for Bid submission and Bid Opening Date Extended_ Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Corrigendum for Bid submission and Bid Opening Date Extended_Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020 Corrigendum for Bid submission and Bid Opening Date Extended_Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Bid Document for Labour work for Financial Year 2020-21 and 2021-22on Contract basis on various Units of RSSCL Bid Document for Labour work for Financial Year 2020-21 and 2021-22on Contract basis on various Units of RSSCL.pdf
Bid Document for Transpotation work for Financial Year 2020-21 and 2021-22on Contract basis on various Units of RSSCL Bid Document for Transpotation work for Financial Year 2020-21 and 2021-22on Contract basis on various Units of RSSCL.pdf
Information to Provide Godown on Rent Information to Provide Godown on Rent.pdf
Corrigendum to Date Extenssion and Mode of Deposit Fees for Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020 Corrigendum to Date Extenssion and Mode of Deposit Fees for Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Corrigendum to Date Extend and Mode to Deposit Fees_ Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020. Corrigendum to Date Extend and Mode to Deposit Fees_ Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Corrigendum to Date Extenssion for Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020. Corrigendum to Date Extenssion for Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Corrigendum to Date Extend for Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020. Corrigendum to Date Extend for Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Bid Document for Kawai farm contract Tender document for Financial Year 2020-21. Bid Document for Kawai farm contract Tender document for Financial Year 2020-21.pdf
Hiring of Godown for Finanacial Year 2020-21 for Sumerpur Unit of RSSC Ltd. Hiring of Godown for Finanacial Year 2020-21 for Sumerpur Unit of RSSC Ltd.pdf
Corrigendum_SITC of CCTV Camera Network at various seeds processing plants on turn-key basis Corrigendum_SITC of CCTV Camera Network at various seeds processing plants on turn-key basis.pdf
Bid Document to Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020 Bid Document to Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Bid Document to Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020 Bid Document to Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Bid Document to Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020 Bid Document to Supply FS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Bid Document to Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020 Bid Document to Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
e-Tenders for SITC of CCTV Camera Nework at various seeds processing plants on turn-key basis.pdf e-Tenders for SITC of CCTV Camera Nework at various seeds processing plants on turn-key basis.pdf
Request for Quotation for Due Diligence Report.pdf Request for Quotation for Due Diligence Report.pdf
Tender for Hiring Godown for storage of Seeds at Bhilwara Unit of RSSC Ltd.pdf Tender for Hiring Godown for storage of Seeds at Bhilwara Unit of RSSC Ltd.pdf
Tender Document for Accountant on contract for Mohangarh (Jaiselmer) unit of RSSC Ltd..pdf Tender Document for Accountant on contract for Mohangarh (Jaiselmer) unit of RSSC Ltd..pdf
Bid Document to Supply FS I II of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf Bid Document to Supply FS I II of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Bid Document to Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf Bid Document to Supply CS of Soyabean for Kharif-2020.pdf
Limited Tender Limited Tender.pdf.pdf
Request for Quotation for arrangement of Lunch for Annual General Meeting as on 23.12.2019.pdf Request for Quotation for arrangement of Lunch for Annual General Meeting as on 23.12.2019.pdf
Request for Quotation for arrangement of Tent Decoration etc. for 41st Annual General Meeting as on 23.12.2019 Request for Quotation for arrangement of Tent Decoration etc. for 41st Annual General Meeting as on 23.12.2019.pdf
Limited Tender Limited Tender
Tender Document for supply of packing, Processing Material & other Consumables Tender Document for supply of packing, Processing Material & other Consumables.pdf
Bid Dt. 17.05.2019 Cancellation Order Bid Dt. 17.05.2019 Cancellation Order.pdf
Tender Document to provide labour contract at Baran Unit of RSSC Ltd..pdf Tender Document to provide labour contract at Baran Unit of RSSC Ltd..pdf
Request for Quotation for Practicing Company Secretary for FY 2019-20 Request for Quotation for Practicing Company Secretary for FY 2019-20.pdf
Corrigendum in tender Supply of Packing Material & Other Consumables on Annual Rate Contract Basis Corrigendum in tender Supply of Packing Material & Other Consumables on Annual Rate Contract Basis.pdf
supply of packing, Processing Material & other Consumables on Annual Rate Contract basis supply of packing, Processing Material & other Consumables on Annual Rate Contract basis.pdf
Tender Document to Provide foundation seed during Kharif 2019 Tender Document to Provide foundation seed during Kharif 2019.pdf
Padampur and Kawai farm contract Tender document for Financial Year 2019-20 and 2020-21 Padampur and Kawai farm contract Tender document for Financial Year 2019-20 and 2020-21 .pdf
Auction Form Bharatpur unit Auction Form Bharatpur unit.pdf